This page is where we will be collecting all the statistics that show that Legends of Tomorrow was not cancelled
due to lack of profit or viewership, and provide proof of why it should be picked up. Read on!

^ As these statistics clearly show, Legends of Tomorrow was the only CW TV program to increase its viewership (by a whopping 10.58%) during the 2021-2022 season rather than decrease like Riverdale and Nancy Drew, two shows that were, in fact, renewed.

^ As these statistics clearly show, Legends of Tomorrow was among the top 5 most viewed CW TV programs of the Fall 2021 season, raking in more views than Riverdale and Nancy Drew.
As these statistics from the Warner Brothers upfronts clearly show, Legends of Tomorrow's fans (and former fans of the CW in general) are more than capable of impacting Warner Brother's stocks in protest of the cancellations.
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